The last few editions of the weekly radio show (IZUAGBAKA) have been an interesting, enlightening, and educating series.

High Chief Boniface Ifeanyi Ariekpere Ajuzie began by observing that we need to adopt strategic measures to curb the economic challenges faced by our society today. He further stated that we live in different times, reminiscing about how things were decades ago within the country.

He noted the high cost of food items, fuel, and electricity traffic, amongst many others which he attributed to the lack of enthusiasm in the youth to fall back to agriculture. He urged the Nigerian youth to be hardworking, discarding laziness as it is not a good look in our dispensation.

He also emphasized the importance of our youth having skill and handiwork, urging them to indulge in useful and productive vices that will enable them to be helpful and outstanding citizens to themselves and their society.

As one to lead by example, the president of the Oma Nma Foundation has taken up farming in solidarity with reverting to agriculture as the economic pillar of the nation.

In his closing remarks, he implored the Executive Governor of Abia State, His Excellency Dr. Alex Chioma Oti to encourage, empower, and steer the youth towards agriculture and mechanized farming.

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