The show began on a soupcon of sad news, as the organization had to bid farewell to a pioneer and dedicated staff, Mr. Daniel Onuigbo, who had passed on the previous week. The radio spokesperson, Mr. Uba Alilionwu used the medium to console the family of the late staff and the Oma Nma Foundation.

Moving forward, the organization’s General Director, Deacon Ahamefula Orji, used the opportunity to remind the public that the Oma Nma Foundation is still restoring purpose, empowering our youth and society through holistic healthcare, free education, community development, and other initiatives.

The radio spokesperson Mr. Uba Alilionwu also made a shout-out to the Executive Admin/Head of Operations of the organization, Miss Dollaress Ajuzie, and her intended, Mr. John Chukwubuikem Ariwa on their engagement and upcoming nuptials.

Still in the spirit of making agriculture the pillar of the economy again, High Chief Boniface Ifeanyi Ariekpere Ajuzie who was present in the studio made a note to highlight the progress of his farming endeavors and once again encourage the society, especially the youth to follow suit to combat the impending wave of food scarcity, poverty, and the eventual rise of crime.

He also stated that the people of Amaoji in Umuosu have promised that at the harvest season, they will bring the first of their farm produce to the house of their amiable Governor, His Excellency Dr. Alex Chioma Oti in appreciation of his explicit support during the farming season.

The High Chief urged the people of Abia State to be hardworking in their endeavors, encouraging both subsistence and commercial farming, and taking advantage of farmlands and even dormant lands as it is a worthwhile investment befitting the current times. He implored other philanthropists to restore value to agriculture by assisting enthusiastic farmers across the state.

High chief Boniface Ifeanyi Ariekpere Ajuzie promised to lead by example by encouraging interested farmers by leasing out farmlands and providing fertilizers and other farming tools to facilitate and propagate making agriculture one of the economic cornerstones of the society.

In conclusion, the founder urged the good citizens of Abia State to be hard-working in their endeavors, he also extended his warm gratitude to the Executive Governor of Abia State, His Excellency Alex Chioma Oti for his good works in seeing that the state moves forward.

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